Articles in this series
Four JavaScript Exercises to Ace Your Interview · During recent developer interviews, I noticed many candidates felt overwhelmed by coding challenges....
Solving and Identifying Circular Dependencies in Typescript · When coding in TypeScript or Angular and embracing types, sometimes we don't pay attention...
Reasons for Favoring 'unknown' over 'any' in TypeScript · When we create applications in Angular, the any type is our "live-saver" when struggle with...
Utilizing & or | for Combining Types in TypeScript · Today, I reviewed a piece of code where a variable could be of two types, but to enhance...
Exploring the Use of Arrays, Tuples, Maps, and Sets through Examples · A few days ago, a friend asked how to prevent duplicate keys in an array, and I...
Learn How to Use Record Utility Type in Typescript with Example · Today I was facing a problem where I wanted an object with a list of properties but...