Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash
My Yearly Summary: 2021 Edition
Reflecting on 2022: My Year in Review
The 2021 year was good, professional, technical, and personal, but I'm 38 years old, so I can't learn too much stuff simultaneously. I'm learning slowly; similar to 2020, I'm only spending my energy on topics related to my job to make my life easy.
In 2021, my goals were:
Embrace Angular and learn advanced topics
First steps with Testing
Head start with Docker
Learn to swim
Run more
Thanks to @thisisangular, Bezael Pérez, @thisislearning, Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen for trust and for pushing me to continue writing and learning.
And special remarks to @danidev; your professional advice helped me more than code, and showed me an admirable professional roadmap. You are amazing.
Alba Silvente Fuentes inspires us to continue moving forward and be better.
Thanks, Jörgen de Groot to help me to code, listen, and be a great leader and taught me a lot about Angular and Typescript, and building a great friendship on top.
@CarlosAzaustre, to be more talk about than code, teach me about life balance.
Thanks for everything!